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 Return the greatest value found in a numeric array


    A_MAX( <aTarget>, [<idxPos>], [<nCount>] )


    <aTarget> is the numeric type array to evaluate.

    <idxPos> is the position in the target array of the first element
    to be evaluated.  If not specified, A_MAX() begins its search on
    the first element of the array.

    <nCount> is the number of elements to evaluate. The default is all
    elements starting at <idxPos> until the end of the array.


    A_MAX() returns an index to the element which has the maximum
    value found in the specified range.


    A_MAX() evaluates every element in the specified range of a
    numeric type array and returns an index to the largest element.


    // Declare a two dimensional (I)nteger array
    LOCAL rows, cols, x

    rows = 10
    cols = 20
    aInteger = A_DECLARE( "I", rows, cols )

    // Fill the second row of the array with increasing
    // integer values 1 - 20
    FOR x = 1 to 20
       A_STORE( aInteger, x, A_( 2, x ) )

    // Fetch the maximum value in the first half of the
    // second row.
    ? A_MAX( aInteger, A_( 2, 1 ), cols / 2 )   // Result: 10

See Also: A_MIN() A_SCAN()
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